Keith and Kinsey's Real Estate Update

Our Year In Summary 2012 – Happy Holidays!
December 18, 2012, 8:43 pm
Filed under: Life

I can’t believe we are a week away from Christmas and approaching the end of 2012 already. Last year I posted a summary of our year for the first time rather than sending out a Christmas letter like many people do. So, we’ll try to keep it an annual tradition. Happy Holidays!

2012 was a great, rather busy, yet absolutely amazing. It seems like so much happened I had to look back at my calendar and past blogs to refresh my memory. It does seem like there was a little too much work and not enough play, but I can’t complain, the hard work has paid off with some relaxation near the end of the year.

In January, we started the year with the sale of my old house in Fitchburg, which had been rented for the previous 2 years. We had been living in Kinsey’s condo, but looking for a house that could be a longer term place to settle.

In February, we made the decision to build a house and we purchased a lot in Verona.

In March our real estate business was exploding. We were working with a bunch of buyers, had several new listings, and we were just trying to keep up with things while planning for our home build and move at the same time.

By April, the builder had broken ground on our house, and construction was in full swing. It was exciting to watching the progress as things went.

Ground Breaking
Ground Breaking

May ended up being a record month of real estate closings for us due to all the spring activity in March and April. We were swamped, but thankfully somehow everything fell into place. It was probably good to be this busy though, because it got my mind off some struggles with our rental property in Indy.

June brought a little bit of time for a breather to have some fun time with friends at a car show in Wisconsin Dells, but otherwise it was mostly spent packing, purging, and turning over a rental unit.

In July, our home was complete, and we took a few days off to move in and get settled. We were so excited to be in a new home with a little more space to spread out and grow into. I think I was most excited for the extra garage space, Kinsey was most excited about a larger kitchen and office space, and of course the dogs loved their new yard and freedom to roam.

Finished House
Finished House

We also ended up selling the rental property in Indianapolis at the end of July. This was a big financial hit but we managed to make it work. We learned some valuable lessons, and got rid of a big headache that was causing a lot of stress.

Most of August was spent finishing closets, working on landscaping, clearing out our storage unit, and trying to get grass to grow during a drought. Although, the end of august was the most exciting part of our year, we found out that Kinsey is pregnant! It has been very exciting watching the changes develop and planning for the new addition to our family.

In September we got Kinsey’s condo sold, and we almost beat our record month of May in real estate sales (records are made to be broken right). Somehow we managed to get through all of this while Kinsey was fighting the first trimester lack of energy.

12 weeks Ultrasound

In October after our 12 week ultrasound, and what seemed like forever, we announced to everyone that we were having a baby. This was a huge relief no longer hide it, and know that they baby was looking healthy so far. We also hosted a client appreciation Halloween party which was a lot of fun.

Kinsey pumpkin carving (with pliers?)

In Novemeber hmm… I’ve got no clue, It must have been an amazingly rare calm month.

Finally in December we took a vacation to Rivera Maya, Mexico. This was our last real get away before starting a family. We mostly relaxed and enjoyed the beaches and sunshine. However, we did take a day trip to see the Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza. This was quiet amazing if you ask me. How they built that stuff 1000 years ago, is beyond me! We also took a boat ride to Akumal Bay to go snorkeling, and we saw several giant sea turtles.

Sunrise near Rivera Maya Mexico
Kinsey sporting the baby bump at the cenotes in Valladolid Mexico

All in all 2012 was great. It seemed like there was a lot going on with all the selling, buying, building, moving, baby, etc. However, for the first time in a long time, I feel settled, relaxed and completely content. I know 2013 will entirely change our life and what’s important. I expect next year’s summary will be more about kids and family rather than business, property, and vacation. I’m ready, and I look forward to the changes!

Happy Holidays!

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[…] you read our year end summary you already know that we had many great accomplishments in 2012 and we met and exceeded most of our […]

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